Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Alexis Rodriguez Assignment 10A: Study Models- Impression

From this collage I wanted to express the feeling of being isolated and the emotion of being trapped because of the things around you. The first day we visited gave all of us this feeling that we were truly alone and a lot of my classmates complained that they didn't feel safe, and some went as far as comparing it to a ghost town.

This abstract model uses these curving spines which were designed to evoke the emotion of a giant's hands coming up from the ground and preparing to pull you down, that was the thought that inspired me from visiting the site, that the fact that the streets were so desolate and eerily calm that something as bizarre as a giant would appear. 

In this study model the hole in the bottom plate shows where everyone stand and the low roof is placed in a way that it  feels as though you'd be crushed under the sheer weight of the piece. 

1 comment:

  1. These are incredibly evocative, both the descriptions and the models as well. Although these are study models, put a bit of thought into the color. The giant hand is more reminiscent of a peeled orange than the ominous oppressive force that you describe. A $3.99 can of store brand black primer would eliminate that sort of misinterpretation. Similarly, the extruded paper in the last model is tectonic and architectural, no doubt. However, the reading is light, permeable and airy when you are looking for heavy and oppressive.
