Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Alexis Rodriguez: Assignment 8-list of Spaces, Matrix, Bubble Diagram


  1. Are you accommodating any outdoor sports? Further consider the addition of indoor sport facilities, i.e. basketball, squash/racquetball, etc. which do not take up a tremendous amount of space. Also, consider training and therapy rooms, saunas, steam rooms, for "light" spa programming. Take a look back at your precedent facilities for a better idea of programmatic ques.
    Most importantly, in addition to studying the uses of the facility, start immediately looking at the spatial requirements of each use (both planometric and volumetric). These studies will vastly affect your massing and siting of the building.

  2. Yeah I originally had those spaces listed on a hand written matrix I made but for some reason when I created on the computer, I lost them. I've actually have these set up on a new matrix, I'll post that as soon as I update the original image.

  3. May i ask how did layout the matrix on computer? What program did you use? Illustrator, excel, etc. I'm trying to find an easier way to do it rather than draw it out on paper. Please let me know :) Thank you!
